Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

How though there’s so many people all judging me at once aaaasaaa

If you love what you do

You forget the crowd

You just get in the zone™️

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Kat, go to sleep.

Chleb and Anstreim, you too.

I’ll go in about 3 hours Jgoes.

everyone is calling me chleb now and i love it

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I’m in bed tho

Yes, but you’re not sleeping.

Oh goddamnit
I hear piper on the roof above me

Blame my cat for not being here

No, I don’t think I will :^)
I have two threads to read on and I want to finish something miscellaneous.

I also have a song stuck in my head
A not good one

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oh my god i would faint

it’s not “the one thing you have going for you” though

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I remember physically shaking whenever we performed in band :^)

that’s a gross understatement

i remember struggling to walk while performing at school

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the fact i was forced to made it worse