Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I had a gamer reactiontest where i cleared my highest scumread and then they got converted that night :frowning:

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A true raw endurance test would be doing a full ISO on Alice in CFM2
Nothing better than the worst thing to deal with ever

a test to see how much torture his followers can endure. . .?

idk i was just shitposting

i was a gamer who laid out decent softs and got called out for it in allies chat by my beautiful N2 convert

who then informed me that they had called them out

Joke’s on you, you fool. I already paid this month’s due in blood.

Well your clear was actually correct at the time you did the RT, at least. Convert hunting is hell.

I’ve ISO’d Kat in multiple finished games before.
This is nothing.

ans how do you have time to do anything else


corax no longer accepts payment in blood, only mithras does that now

corax is keeping up with the times and now only accepts visa, american express, or paypal

finished game kat isos can take upwards of 6 hours, legitiamately

That’s the thing – I don’t do anything else.
I once legitimately spent 8 hours re-reading an old FM game, I think it was one of the FoLs? I tried to read into interactions and failed miserably lmao.

who took 45678?

I’m not diagnosing why you stay up so late
but I think it should be pretty obvious

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who the fuck stole my cookie



The catgirl, sir.

he stays up late cause he’s scared of the visions mithras and corax sends him

that’s pretty alright practice tbh

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That’s okay Italy is my puppet anyways

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I had an idea in my stupor

Who would be down for a community-wide game that transcends all FMs, and releases info based on how ppl did in their games