Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Shaky legs aaaasa

Brb cat on roof

Little doofus

cold throughout the body
accelerated heartbeat
shaky legs
and vibrating voice

do i have any youngard stories…

well I can’t say much for the voice cause I didn’t talk in band :eyes:

But aaaaaa

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oh yeah
i collected rocks while i was in middle school
and i stole rocks from the school’s patio

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I collected colored rocks

I think I still have some

one day during my english class a notebook-sized stone fell out of my backpack
it had been stolen an hour prior
i had no idea what to do

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imagine sitting in class and then a giant rock falls out of somebody’s backpack
the sound of it hitting the floor and rolling in between the tables


and i’m sitting here like “um.”

I’d stare and laugh at the absurdity

the worst part was that we were writing a test

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so it was quiet
and then

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unfortunately, youngard’s life was as boring as moderngard’s life is and as such he has very few stories to tell

Ok i have

20 minutes of life left
Maybe 30

i panicked for half a second

“If you see this, remind me to put an actual bio here. Thanks.”

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Okay but youve played like a million forum games so thats false