Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Arete (N2 Convert), Amelia (Paladin), Blizer(Apostle), ClonedCheese(Sellsword) and Possessed/Italy (Cult Leader)

just because something doesn’t cause you to permanently cease to exist

does not mean that thing is a good idea

I wonder why I wasn’t killed in FoL 28?


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what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

katze with grammar is really weird

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72 or weak

this is supreme early 2000s

Hello, Italy! I have been awaiting your arrival!

Would you like to hear about our lord and savior, Knight-chan?

if i punch every person in insert katze's home state because i'm not sure if that's public information one of them will be you


dude we make fun of kat from being from oregon all the time it’s public info

Your memes are more powerful with proper grammer.

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Silly Italy, it’s quite common knowledge that I reside in the swampland that mortals call “Florida”.

i knew
i just wasn’t sure if everyone else did

Strength flows through me!

dashes in and dies


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I wouldn’t mind being invited to FoL 28 spectator chat.

My real class in FoL 28 wasn’t the Archer or the Paladin.
It was the … PalaArcher :sunglasses: .

ngl bro your posts come off as kind of egotistical rn and like while it’s fine that you think you did well it feels kind of excessive tbh

Like you didn’t play poorly but “I am the 2nd coming of alice” and “I am as good as a paladin due to my social play” feel really over-the-top


I feel like someone had to say it and so I elected myself