Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

this phrase reminds me of a psychologist i saw last fall. he has a phd in psychology and a jd
he calls himself a “forensic psychologist”, only does clinical psychology on tuesdays, and for the rest of the week, he does forensic stuff for the local government / da / law enforcement

I thought he was okay at the time, but looking back on things, he was a pretty bad clinical psychologist, at least for me.


I will spam this photo of Cabbage Leader until I die and you can’t stop me

i heard
i need further explanation

doubt :knife:

No u Italy
Happy Hour

i double eradicated you

I use this on your eradicate fool

in this case, what happened was that there was a will of disputed legitimacy, which had a signature on both the first and the second page (the first was agreed to be legitimate, the latter was not)

someone analyzed a whole bunch of her signatures and found that, out of 30 possible downstrokes (this is, like, a feature of signatures) on average there were 5 downstrokes in common, and the number of downstrokes in common followed a binomial distribution

the Legit Signature and the Disputed Signature had all 30 downstrokes in common

through the power of Math™ it was determined that the probability of this happening was lower than 1 in a sextillion (which supported the hypothesis that the second signature had been traced from the first signature)


so both of you will die

Aroot is big bron or something

is worth

Eradicate? More like ripoff 2f1


BRUH WTF. Why did my search engine suddenly turn into Yahoo

Ok much better. Not sure why my computer decided that it wanted Yahoo to be my search engine for the day

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It happens to me every now and then as well. Dunno what the cause is, but it’s easy to solve anyways, so it never bothered me too much.

@katze want to do trouble in mineville

this aint the blockgame thread

but nah ill pass


RLCraft server when