Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Well, that sure is a thing.

It looks normal until it’s not

its a good show >:(

i have listened to a few songs

if i understood this it’d probably become a band i liked a lot very fast, but it still sounds hella good

time to learn german

with that said my playlist has gone from 98% english to a slightly smaller number

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despacito on repeat

no fuck you

I’m trying to find ways to control my stress in FM
Do you think a “hard limit” would work, aka setting yourself a limit so you don’t deal with the game (including making reads etc) more than this time? Like, 2 hours per irl day or so

Get everything done in irl that you need to. Make it a priority. FM does not come first, as fun as it can be.

Also yeah if you find yourself getting stressed, take a break, drink some tea, play a videogame. Unless you’re in a turbo, you’re in charge of your own time :wink:

or just tell people to fuck off

Tried to do it already a bit in the last game, I did still spend way too much time reading, but I forced myself again and again to not jump on something, and just not answer :upside_down_face:

My playlist has gone from 100% not existing to 100% not existing.


Who is gunna tell the system




why did you like that post i just sat here




@Chloe put an actual bio there

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Oh thanks

So many people reminding me

@Chloe put an actual bio there

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This was all a test to see who tf checks my profile

You all failed

congrats on crazy in love

my fav badge

what the fuck do i put in my bio