Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i hate you pwiestess


Funny you mention this because I had several breakdowns that poor Marshal and Amelia had to endure in the very same game.

I really wanted to just say “Anstreim you’re doing so well, don’t give up”

I’m sure you two were fed up with me complaining all the time.
I never apologized for that, did I

I wasn’t fed up with that

Instead I was fed up with pepega lynches like the Italy lynch



But Amelia, clearly Italy told his Assassin to bleed SDA on D1 and claimed it.

I also was slightly fed up with people complaining about not processing SoN fast enough

That was fun


Wait what, that was a thing?

tell them they a big doofus if they do it again


Multiple people complained about it and even Marshal stated “We’re processing SoN as fast as we can”


That’s… Pretty weird.

super late modrant I guess

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You are still my favorite host :^)

do you have many to pick from

do you have a way to create a multi-threaded paradime shifting method of conducting business that can overall increase efficiency ten fold and profits three fold?


Us: Day is over, flip incoming

Us: typing out the flip

people: Am I in allies? Am I jailed? Am I in allies? Oh i’m not in allies if I was you would have already processed it god damn it napoleon!


And then you forgot to process N1 allies :^)

wonder who that was :^)

I was reminded when lurking scumcord thankfully

oh also classcards take a while to hand out so if it’s been 30 minutes after host has said they are handing out classcards, especially in a big game, don’t reee that you haven’t gotten yours yet