Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

ok but counterpoint fuck you cat pictures are great


This is where I would make some kind of a joke about you.
But there’s no joke to be made.

someone yell at me to go eat breakfast please




funnily enough, i just had lunch


That is an order.


Are you hungry


also kinda dizzy

minecraft’s 3d has just always been better imo

the movement is pretty much never restricted and with mods/shaders/texture packs you can enhance the game by a great degree while terraria is forever stuck in the same 2d structure

also i have gotten lost in caves before and had no idea how to get out lol

then go eat


minecraft movement doesn’t really change from earlygame

elytra exists but before that all you get is better food to sprint more and i guess theres potions/buffs to run/jump slightly faster/higher

which isn’t to say thats a bad thing, simple movement is fine (and MC movement isn’t bad) but once you got wings and shit terraria feels like a whole new world

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Oh yeah
I just started celeste for the first time earlier today
I forgot how much i missed platformers

my idea is best

petting the cat forces you to move, and get up, not because you have to eat, but because you want to pet your cat.

Once you are up, it will be easier to go to the eating area, and you will be satisfied, not only with food, but with the sense of pride you get from knowing you made a cat happy.

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i should actually complete the postlaunch content but im lazy

celeste is an amazing game though

my expectations werent super high and they were absolutely blown away

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the switch pro controller also seems to be a fantastic way to play indie platformers

terraria is much more linear than minecraft

there’s a system of progression that can’t just be basically done after 20 minutes

with the right mode it’s always challenging at every stage in the game and I’ll always enjoy playing

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i don’t own one so no opinion there

i played it on a 360 controller (i play almost every game on keyboards but i couldnt really do that game on a keyboard)

but from what ive seen the switch pro controller is fairly decent looking i just don’t see myself using it for smash, and if not for that idk why i’d buy one

I haven’t opened smash in over 6 months lol

it is my opinion that terraria gets good as soon as you summon the eye

after that it is just mostly consistent fun