Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Without grappling hook/rocket boots it feels painful.

I unequipped my boots for pillars/moon lord in exchange for sorcerer emblem and holy hell, it feels so slow to move on the ground.

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Don’t have any plans on opening it anytime soon

i also have never owned and will never own an xbox

Or as soon as the eye summons you :^)

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its been… quite a while for me as well

the online in that game just makes justifying playing it a lot harder



rant over

i dont want to play melee cause my hands would hate me but i wanna play online smash

Pre-order a B0XX for $300


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ive never playing on a fighting gamepad (i want one tho, i used to be decent at DBFZ on a controller) so it’d prob be weird

i know the b0xx isn’t one but it seems close enough

maybe one day ill give in to the sickness factor of melee but $300 is a lotta money i dont rly have



dragon ball fighterz, i love that shit

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i swapped it around a bunch

i think my last team was A.Gohan/16/SSJGoku but i was planning in swapping someone out for gogeta, and maybe trunks as well

UI goku looks really fun but i havent played since gogeta dropped

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UI is fun, just a bit wacky

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I’ve always done Cell / 18 / SSJV
Haven’t played in a while tho

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I have always hated this abbreviation. In my head makes more sense for SSG not SSJ

id be down to parsec sometime (not today) if u wanna try them

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i dont mind a bit wacky

plus he has a counter that looks absurdly good and i like using counters i blame melee marth for this so thats a plus

i just have to get myself to actually play the game again and remember how to play it

and that’s motivation i don’t really have? esp since all my friends who played it don’t play it anymore

i remember when the 3rd character of every team was SSJVeg/SSJGoku because “lol assist”

adding B assists was amazing for the games longevity imo

:eyes: maybe

i wouldnt really mind dumping $5 to try him myself though since i can probably dump 5 hours into labbing him if i like him even a little bit, and if i don’t then i can just justify it by saying im supporting the game :^)


Kefla is also crazy fun, I love her side switching shenanigans. I kinda want to get back into that and Tekken 7 now that i have some more time

kefla never interested me that much

if i got into fighterz again id prob try out ZBroly a bit (i have the S1 pass so i might as well give the chars a shot) cause i need to have one “big guy” on my team to piss off my friends, and if i swap out 16 they might get a false sense of safety

also ive never actually played a fighting game that wasnt DBFZ or MKX (which i barely played) but tekken looked really weird to me

is this when i make a FGC thread

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Not a fan of just pure fighting games.

i own most but mk 11 so like id be down to talk

id only really talk about DBFZ

MK11 is a game i half want but i can’t justify buying it really

MKX with friends was fun cause we were all bad at it and it was a good time


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