Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

please do make an fgc thread @katze
im a huge KoF, Injustice 2, sfv, and ggxrd2 nerd

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I might otherwise like T7 but to me at least its physics are p bland for a 3d game

its so slow

tekken 7 has like nothing to do with physics?

I tend to care about a fighting game more as a spectator sport than an actual one
And T7 just looks boring to me
So :man_shrugging:

oh man u gotta watch

these guys be crazy

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time to use this literally once like the smash thread

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That guy looks like a furry.

Kat said there was card game thread about MTG and Heartstone somewhere… I can’t find it rip

I have however found this thing that looks pretty interesting

Nvm found it


Wtf is this?

A cattle?


no i said there was a valid case to make one

afaik one does not exist yet

long cat

That’s pretty disturbing.


Delete this

how does one create a PM with themself


I would have thought it obvious