Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I want to stay awake for a day, but ultimately I’m too scared to do things that are harmful in nature, even if I know it probably wouldn’t be that bad



makes a list of things to do

actually does the things on the list


this is really weird


it turns out that apparently it’s possible to do things without dropping into hyperfocus???

Congratulations, you officially have more willpower than I ever will :^)


so like I don’t know how to explain this but it doesn’t … feel like willpower is the mental resource I’m consuming? which is also weird?

that probably makes zero sense

let’s look through the possible emotions that could be causing it

are you jealous of your own success at doing stuff

depends on what the work is
for most things it’s just a ‘okay I’m going to do this’ and then it happens


hyperfocus just happens occasionally
I think it’s tied in with stress

I realize that to normal people this probably sounds like ‘today I managed to walk across the room! weird!’ but, like, as far back as I can remember I basically haven’t been able to … do things … without either hyperfocusing on One Thing for a While (and losing my ability to get the thing done if that’s interrupted for any reason) (I’m explaining this badly too! but like, the thing I’m describing there is not Just Focusing On Things) or ineffectually dragging my brain across metaphorical rocks (and still not usually doing a particularly good job of getting it to do the thing)


it turns out that there’s a secret third way to do things?

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What type of things are we talking about

isn’t hyperfocus just a brute force way of solving problems

hyper focus afaik just happens

I – wish that I had magically sprouted this ability earlier, because it seems useful?

I know it just happens
but I’m trying to figure out distinguishing factors between hyperfocus doing something and just normal doing something

Alright here’s a easy tip

If you suddenly stop in the middle of what you are doing and ask yourself “should I take a break” you aren’t in hyper focus

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also, like, I can’t be like ‘I’m going to go hyperfocus on the thing’ and expect it to actually work

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If you know you are hyper focused you aren’t hyper focused :’)