Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

What orange said


I’m probably the least weeby person on these forums, smh.

This boi

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Good tastes, but

DR spoilers for nerds

Izuru Kamukura is the best boy character in the whole game.

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Nvm it be storm again


why does my sister bully me

all i wanna do is love her

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Chloe why are you not in bed yet.

its only 10:25!

give me like
5 more minutes

You sleep at baby hours.
So I have to remind you :^)

i’ve actually been falling asleep pretty late recently

but on average
yes ):<

i like sleep okay
its the best part of the day

/ban Chloe

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I wish sleep was possible in this weather.

Also the picture progress has been minimal.

But I fixed proportions.
Or so I think.

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REM was because I was kinda sick of playing like I do and wanted to try something else and was also kinda tired of being meta read, but I didn’t think I could change without being yelled at and I also didn’t want to be forced play like that all the time

So I wanted to see what would happen and try a new play style, without being put into “yes that is sulit” box

and I liked playing like that but it also drains WIM fast because really high effort

So it’s like how I wish I’d play but I don’t want to be expected to play that way because sometimes I don’t feel like it


wait are you actually turning anerd into a danganweeb



you earned it all and more

he’s converting me :^)

…admittedly perhaps not to the Cult he wants to convert me to, but.

N2: /Convert Arete