Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

uh, not quite.
for me it tends to manifest as trying a puzzle or something else, and then looking over at the time, realizing hours have passed and i am suddenly very hungry and thirsty.

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dangan as not a weeb thing would be super cool, CMV

Sao as not a weeb thing would be super cool, CMV

most anime things are cool concepts that would be improved by not being anime


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well the unseen are convert immune so obv

disagree but i also barely know this show other than “its weeb trash and also trash”

So, you just don’t like the artstyle?

Conversion to the Cult will come later.

the premise is cool imo

everything about it is bad but the premise is cool



I dislike the artstyle and tropes of anime

I meant like a show with not-voice actors


You admitted yourself that you liked


so :^)

ay. grats!
i dont know how it works where you are, but for where i am scoutmaster conference is just a casual discussion. for eagle of course its a bit less casual, but still. board of review is where it gets actually serious (more or less), and there is actually a potential to fail it.
and by potential i mean there is literally only 1 question you can get wrong, and you know the question and the right answer going in.

I think dangan as a show might be cool

but it would probably need to be adults playing adults and not adults playing teens

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Absolutely understandable.
The concept is really good though, and the weeby style can grow on you I guess. The sprites for actual characters are actually very tastefully done imo, with some exceptions.

On November 6, 10,000 players log into SAO 's mainframe cyberspace for the first time, only to discover that they are unable to log out. Kayaba appears and tells the players that they must beat all 100 floors of Aincrad, a steel castle which is the setting of SAO , if they wish to be free. He also states that those who suffer in-game deaths or forcibly remove the NerveGear out-of-game will suffer real-life deaths.

I think this is a cool concept

I don’t count it as a spoiler because it’s like the description of the show

and if you care about sao being spoiled then lol

even in the worst of garbage can you find a shiny thing occasionally

Concept good.

Execution garbage.

it sounds like a neat concept, but was kinda doomed from the start as a serious show.
like a lot of traditional story elements really dont gel with game design stuff, so it was destined to be lacking in one or the other.

Also one thing that bothered me with DR is

the ending. It was cool the first time, underwhelming the second time and borderline absurd third time.

But the rest is fine.


when i first saw the game and heard what it was like/about

spoilz i guess

i thought there’d be multiple paths/endings and i was kinda disappointed to find out that wasnt the case

if it werent weeb i’d maybe like it otherwise :^)


I was really hoping that

you could become the blackened yourself and kill off characters you dislike.
Or maybe even kill off everyone.

But alas, I was let down. If you do want a game like that I’d suggest

Zero Escape series/AI: The Somnium Files. Very good games, same developer, a bit ‘weeby’ but not really. Especially Zero Escape.
It’s some good stuff and it has puzzles – a lot of them. So you don’t just buy a fancy e-book lmao, you get to play, think and fail.

Oh and by “like that” I meant game with multiple endings/choices matter.


on chiefdelphi

