Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Grrrr am angry at eevee.


Where’s the wallposter :^)


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I am the ultimate libcenter

Also I’m glad that Amelia has a spot in this as well :^)

I’ve been avoiding the mislynches recently ree :^)

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This is such a solid meme who made this

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I’m the 3rd party but for town.

Ah yes. Myself.

How am I exactly on the same end of the spectrum as Kat

smatbomb I think


Wouldn’t that be for both town/scum since you only like neuts

I thought Jane liked scoom

I like scum too, I just prefer Noots.

why have I not been given this

fuck you smart I thought we were friends

“Jane is posting = locktown” meme gave me impression that they didn’t.

Pinned in spec chat

Anstreim are you sure you didn’t mix it up with Emilia :^)

It’s a bad meme.