Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

That would be the ultimate meme.
Especially if I roll a filthy neut in rerand.

Neuts bad

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What if you roll



The setup doesn’t have any Neuts you pineapple.

Why does that have such a weird name?

To be fair all of your neuts are decent.
I don’t remember a single one that I disliked.

anyway imma just drench my eyes in bleach, why did I decide playing a 4chan edition of pokemon was a good idea

Amelia are you okay

Oh god not that thing. It’s the one where all pokemon are NSFW, right?


All the pokemon are 4chan memes

Oh. Well, the thing I mentioned also exists. It’s way worse.

good thing I am not playing that then

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amelia these can never be in the same sentence

you should have known

The two Cult Leaders stared at each other from opposite sides of the throne room, as guards forced them to their knees before the King. The Mithras Cult Leader closed his eyes. This was his fault if anyone’s; if he had never broken from the Corax Cult, they could have ruled the kingdom together, even if the Corax Cultists failed to recognize the true glory of Mithras.

“This is a joyous day,” said the Prince, standing before the crowd. “This is the day when we shall finally eliminate the Cult scourge from this kingdom!”

The crowd cheered. The Prince descended from his throne, holding a ceremonial axe. The guards forced the Cult Leaders up, pushing them towards the center of the throne room.

“Long live the Blue Dragon!” shouted the Prince as he dealt the killing blows.

“Long live the Blue Dragon!” echoed the crowd.

In the corner, a young squire in a purple cloak swallowed. They needed to make the Blue Dragon pay for what they had done – no matter what they had to do to make that happen.

Name it Clairvoyant.

Or else.

I mean
I knew

I’m doing it anyway

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

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More Unseen propaganda, of course.

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