Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

and by the way, that selection is me being harsh and not including some of the good ones that just see zero play in wild.
(also, HS offers a free legendary in the first 10 packs of every set, so I’m upset that for my new set legendary for Frozen Throne I got one of the few bad oens)

there isn’t

Wait, really?

I’m pretty sure there was a hearthstone thread that I insta-muted.

no, that’s the MtG thread
I don’t blame you, they are simmilar games

Hey, I wasn’t wrong. It’s an old one though.

it’s super dead and only the dishonourable necrobump
also lol @ livicus thinking Prince Liam would be viable

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okay he didn’t, he just found the fact that Paladin can end up playing Hunter funny, but shush

Then make a new thread

Yeah, so I can mute it.

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wait sorry
i have to laugh at marl’s hubris
he tried to make Surrender To Madness playable
poor child
nobody should try to make anything from Rastakhan’s Rumble except for Hakkar playable

he keeps pulling shitty legendaries from his packs
okay i’m done

All these boring card games are the same anyways

they really aren’t
the difference is that in hearthstone, one year you’ll be complaining about a 6 mana 5/4 with Taunt and Deathratte: Restore 5 Health to your hero and the next year that will have been completely replaced by a 6 mana 3/4 with Taunt and Reborn and Deathrattle: Restore 3 health to your hero that is objectively better in every posisble way, whereas in MtG you’ll be complaining about a 5 mana planeswalker that shuts down your opponent’s gameplan easily and next year it’ll have been replaced by a 3 mana planeswalker that is even more effective than that

i have no idea what you’re talking about
totally different things

Appear! The circuit that guides the future!

Link Summon!

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Ignore the fact that I watched around 20 hours of Monster Train in the last weeks
Idk i dont like cardgames but somehow this one fascinated me

that’s 90% roguelike
it doesn’t really use many card game systems

the closest thing is the importance of not diluting your deck, but that’s really not the same as understanding how to play around a Priest’s Psychic Scream.

Ah okay
That’s why I didn’t hate it
Also it’s not pvp

like, it uses a deck of cards and mana, but the way that is applied is significantly different to MtG and Hearthstone.

the big thing is that it removes the system of, in an individual match, having to build up your mana before you can cast your stronger cards, which is an integral system in both of those games. it works for a roguelike but not for a 1v1 card game.