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I do sometimes wonder whether HS would benefit from using the MtG system of Bo3 matches, but then Control mirrors would be literally hell

Why cant cardgames be more like that, and less pvp
I like singleplayer games

I mean, they are? Slay The Spire has been around for a long time now.

But slay the spire isn’t very complex

monster train’s minions are a lot harder to manage that Spire’s attack cards

the thing is that in Monster Train, aside from your Train Stewards and Morsels, most minions are not disposable, whereas in HS or MtG, the most important element is learning when to sacrifice your early minions or leave them open to removal so you can hit your opponent with powerful stuff later on.

Of course, if you’re playing against Priest in Hearthstone, they will literally never not have some kind of removal in their hand, but that’s besides the point.

no wait there are a few Melted Revenant cards that do rely on your stuff dying, but it’s not the same as the copious amounts of trades that MtG and HS are based on.

I was hesitating of buying monster train, cuz yea i usually dont buy games with any kind of cards
But i guess i give this one a shot
It fascinates me

the thing is that a large part of the fun of card games is evaluating individual cards


here is one of the strongest cards in Hearthstone

this card was a massive mistake because what is supposed to be a downside, giving your opponent every card that you remove with it, turned out to be by far its’ greatest upside

ur right but take it back

There are a few deckbuilding games I actually do play, in irl
Dominion or Star Realms

Yes, but those are significantly different, because the decks are built during the game, rather than pre-match.

slay the spire is good because it introduced the roguelike deckbuilder to a much larger audience than for most roguelikes while having enough depth to not feel insulting

So you could say
These are actual games
While in pre-build deck games the actual play happened before the game

no, they didn’t, because you’re merely changing the chances beforehand
it’s still most likely that with a balanced meta, a person can turn a disadvantageous matchup significantly in their favour

Like… MtG and other games are pure pay2win games, at least in irl. Are they pay2win in the online variant as well?

MtG isn’t as price-gougey on MtGA. They’ve gotten a lot better about that, actually.

And people complain about HS being p2w but if you know the ropes you can make just a small amount of money into a huge collection quite easily