Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

freeze shaman is at least a meme
you got an uninteresting crap card that’s not playable

knowing my luck, i’m probably going to get Inkmaster Solia from Gadgetzan and Shifter Zerus from Old Gods.

No, Zerus is marginally too memey- I’ll probably get fucking Nat, The Darkfisher

and actually I legit can’t think of a single legendary from GvG or TGT that’s playable
this is so sad

no wait
Mal’Ganis, but there’s fat chance of me getting that

Aviana is actually functionally worthless for me because the Aviana+Kun combo is
so god damned expensive

like, you need both Aviana, Kun and either Brann, some other 7 health stuff and Star Alligner, or Togwaggle + Azalina Soulthief, one of which sees play in exactly one other deck and the other of which is literally unplayable

Time for timewarp aka sleep.

Jane it’s not even midnight.
Come back and suffer from heat with us.

orange is actually a orange

Icibalus is…god knows what he is

N.1 is a letter and number who are girlfriend/boyfriend but aren’t married yet

Simon is Simon. Nuff said.

Only one on that list that is a human is Jane


I am currently developing a base 50% ITA chance game, where the ITAer could die as well

Well actually it’s developed
Welcome to Star Wars FM, where a whopping four people could all die in a single ITA attempt

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this sounds awful

i want it

super unrealistic you raised the stormtrooper hit chance by 50%


The only thing that’s missing on the OP is uh
That it’s bastard
I’m not sure if it’s bastard or not

Neighborhoods, Masonries & Scumchat are all on the same server

outstanding move


the same discord?

that sounds dumb

unless literally every player is in a neighorhood/masonry/scumchat

in which case it still sounds dumb but less so

It’s actually a marvel of technology, I can assure you

Actually; you can join it now if you so desire