Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Do you want to know what
Maybe I should just write them a truthful email to get an NHS email.

I mean

I wouldn’t commit a crime because I like the way an email ending looks

you are not going to get a NHS email with that

That won’t be comitting a crime AND I might get the email
It’s a win win really

This is Scotland
Are you sure about that

I can send it from my school email as well. So they know I’m actually a student.

I mean

it’s an educated guess

but I don’t think they would do that at the risk of impersonation

Do you want to know what
I’ll claim to be a student with extreme interest in the medicinal field.
They might mistake me for a Junior Doctor, or med student.
I’m technically not lying then.

I’m going to get that NHS email

its against forum rules to talk about doing illegal stuff

use theoretically

lie by omission is still a lie

I have just wrote a 476 word email

post it here

I’m not posting it here. It could be flagged for spam.

spoiler it

… You do know that isn’t how spam detection systems work, right?

I guarantee you it won’t be flagged by spam

I’m talking about the NHS Email spam detector.
I don’t want my email deleted because they found it on another site.


Anyways please don’t do anything illegal

I’m pretty sure the forum also has to report something if they suspect illegal activity is happening