Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Hecking heck
How could you, Arete

it was a social experiment

It was a fallout of both host and reviewer

Fallout between host and reviewer? That doesn’t sound good.

it was ultimately miscommunication and a bit of a fail during the game

game was meant to be pretty by the books from what I saw

then it got out of control



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There was also that time when Braixen begged astand and I 50+ times in a row in his classcard for us to modkill him

We said no

Did you review the classes which were used?
Since they partly never got sent out

They were all sent out
Town cards were just sent by “snail mail”
and thus arrived a day late

im not calling you a liar but i also find this hard to believe given what we saw


good times :upside_down_face:

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Iirc some people never got a classcard at all

That’s what I heard

But maybe im wrong

I did leave the game, after all
Due to being unable to bear the toxicity and bastardization.

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just because multiple spectators outposted some players doesnt mean the game was bastard :wink:

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the thing they sent me listed three changes
none of which were actually things I saw happen in game

there wasn’t any unique classes sent to me

game was a dump truck

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How can you review a closed setup
Without looking on the classcards?

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said setup stated it was using fol class cards

i don’t think you have to completely copy nappy

bringing up that game is an ugly moment
if you really want me to talk about specifics, I can talk about it in dms