Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

This was the whole OP
There’s nothing about that fol classes will be used

it was literally called anarchy and it was still more chaos than expected

I’m bringing up what they told me when I was reviewing the game
final product ended up being different than what I was told about

:flushed:an excuse to DM geyde

respect the fact that that moment was a particularly ugly one, to an extent that I’d actively want to avoid talking about it
it was a mess
that’s the end of it


anarchy is on the list alongside sfol53 and rokugan
we don’t talk about it

I’d argue cfm2 is on that list for some town

for completely different reasons

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balance vs competence

cfm2 was a shitshow but not a “we don’t talk about this” game

things happened

town played bad

it’s hard to win towngaem when 1/3 of the town doesn’t post or defend themselves


Marshal it seems u have really bad luck a lot as town

D1 Duel Lul in “ToL” FM
Died n1 in SFoL 58
Hoodwinked into claiming neighborhood with scum while helping sigurd to die in insurgency
and then CFM2

I love how CFM 2 passed reviewing before even the classcards were created

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Town yelling at each other all game = town which can’t kill scum

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vul, thoughts on my performance in your slot in CFM2?

i’m just not that good at town

also I was not in any way “hoodwinked” into claiming neighborhood that was simply a precaution to mess with anticlaim mechanics and had no bearing on the game

and the masons brought it upon themselves for TMI-ing themselves as not masons and derps generally borderline-gamethrowing

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Pretty good, hard distancing and everything. My role was pretty much designed to live for 2 days and then it could get itself killed, so while I think you probably shouldn’t have went for the hardcore sacrifice, it ended up being worth it. People miscleared several mafia thanks to that.

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I thought the masons were towny and got roped into the yeet because I was less stubborn back then. Oblight posted like someone with absolutely 0 TMI. I can read Derps on dumbassery somewhat accurately, I think?

okay but derps D1 play made a lot of sense for a mason
especially when paired with the fact that his claim was more in line than PKRs, who had weird checks

then again derps pushed a greencheck so ayaya

The vig on Ici was pure garbage, though.