Derps was a loverized mason that would trigger the gen swap if he died before the gen swap
He lost the lover passive after the gen swap
Like, okay, Ici misyeeted several villagers, but he was also an obvious villager, so it’s not like you should be punishing him for bad play instead of trying to kill a wolf
I don’t blame him for the extra-dimensional levels of FPS
it had a very competent setup creator working on it
plus it was more of an event and balance wasn’t guaranteed
Wolves: literally out themselves
Vig: shoots an obvious villager
that vig shot would be bad if the wolves weren’t outed
the wolves were outed
They don’t even have an excuse because they weren’t new.
Wolves: literally out themselves, like, for real
Occupier: occupies an obvious villager
“But surely the quickhammerers were angry town.”
except when he posted about how he was afraid to look bad if derps flipped as wolf
It’s hard to townread someone pushing their greencheck and genrally making very wtf plays
People can do a lot of dumb things but when your only defense becomes “i’m a natural gamethrower” or stuff like that I stop caring and will yeet you anyways
they’re pretty new (IIRC JK9 was their first game)
but still
JK9 was indeed their first FM game ever
They’re ModeShifter’s friend
i mean light is still fairly new (iirc JK9 was their first FM game and that wasn’t that long ago)
if you dont know icis meta i can maybe see a case where you can scumread that slot
a right-wing Maronite party in Lebanon founded in 1936 by Pierre Gemayel.
locktown or something
No ):<
dbdeez nuts