Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

thread auto-closes at 50000 posts

And I got healed by my mis execute victim :^)

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Alright, that makes a lot more sense.

Also hello Uni.

At the very least I got to powerwolf as Sellsword :eyes:

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I wonder why it’s so slow now. I thought that the last 150 posts would be a rush as well.

But now we are at the last 80 posts.

Sellsword truly is the best neutral.
Even if its design isn’t without flaws.

Nah that one goes to Scorned :^)

Sellsword is my second favorite tho

Is there a way we can reopen the thread?

Create a new cookie thread


Well, Scorned is the best design-wise.
It has the perfect tools that help it to advance its win condition, and it has no incentive to out early/hard side with anyone.

But Sellsword is so satisfying to play.

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Yep. After all, this is the 2nd Cookie Thread already.

Just create a new one, it locks automatically even if a mod unlocks it again afterwards.

From most fun to least fun
Alch > Inq > Fool > Sellsword > Mercenary > Scorned

Not only do I think scorned is well designed, I find it extremely satisfying to play as

Watching those BD struggle, then make them realize just what happened as they flip as the perfect scum for my narrative :^)

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a note: the 50,000-post rule interacts weirdly with deleted posts, so the thread might close a few posts late

Can I just ask why the hell all of these people in the Top 50 exist in the Top 50

I thought Alch is gone?
Wait, I think this was only for FoL…

Top 50 of what?

Well-used TBs are my guilty pleasure.
Unfortunately there are only so many opportunities for them and I mostly end up not using TB at all.
But subtly editing logs/faking claims is delicious.