Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Alchemist is BD in FoL.

Before the thread closes I wanna say this:

Thank you everyone for the amazing times spent on here! I wish you all the best and hope we can see each other again.


From most to least fun

Scorned > Sellsword > Inquisitor > Alchemist (without open claiming) > Fool > Alchemist (with open claiming) > Mercenary

Yeah… FoL history is messy. It’s a long road of constant improvement, and thereby constant change.
…and I don’t like changes.


Most fol classes are extremely different, it doesnt make much sense to compare them

Global Top 50 of Spotify

Sellsword > Scorned > Mercenary (the way I play it, i.e. fakeclaim investigative and RP Sellsword/scumside as soon as I achieve my wincondition)/Inquisitor > Fool > Alchemist.

Survivor neutrals just aren’t fun to me.

I mean… we will still see each other. Just in another cookie thread.

No; I thought you were talking about FoL Alch, but then I realize that you were talking about ToL Alch.

Well… I dunno. I am not the one who knows how trend works.

ToL alch isn’t that fun

I make it more fun by fake claiming

Just like I do for mercenary :^)

Scorned is such an unfun class for me
I rarely win with it, and most of these wins are by stepping as neut king

Play a different class as Alch
gamer moment

I still wanted to make a heartfelt goodbye to this thread as well in general :smiley:

ToL Alchemist would be fun if it was a “pick your wincon” Alchemist.
Voluntarily becoming LW every time I roll it would be the dream.

Trueclaiming mercenary/alchemist on D1 warrants a quick execution :^)

Well… as for me, I don’t even play ToL a lot since I always react too slow. Which is why I don’t play Turbos often either.

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it’s not hard to win as and I like playing it

Usually Physician because it’s safer which makes survival easier

Uhm… okay. Here is a heart.
