Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I believe that’s the 156 page one i listed

MU = mafiawiki right

Mafiawiki is MS

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Do you ever feel
Like a plastic bag?

Floating through the wind

Wanting to start again

I’m searching for a wireless keyboard + trackpad and this picture has me cracking up

I cant stop looking at it

What’s funny?

The model and the way shes holding it

And the random-ass teddy bear

Why do you need a model

For a wireless keyboard

Lul it seems like she never used one before

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Hi priestess

No u

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i got 6 hours of sleep
minor improvement



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Hey thats me

I see Vulgod
Must be a good morning


Yes, and my job here is done.

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didn’t you say a couple days ago that that’s around the ‘stop being able to walk’ line for you

or am I misremembering

