Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Yes, I’m an IT student.

I’m pretty sure I won’t have any more hardware in the near future though.

aren’t you 16ish?

that’s so young to specialize

is this where I make it really obvious I’m American

I ditched my uni because I absolutely hated it but it was one of the lesser evils in terms of education.
Never going to be able to obtain education for a profession that I actually want (because my country is too small and insignificant) so here we are.


jgoes vs italy has to be a thing now

I’m almost 19.

Yes I had to do one of my years over.

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in my head you were younger, oooops

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I’m sure there are countless reasons why this isn’t viable but is ‘move somewhere else’ an option

Imagine having to do an extra year

dont pick music as your major then swap to bio/chem

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i graduated HS early like a gamer


gamers rise up

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After my fifth year in high school I switched schools so I had to do that year over again.
why is everyone using small text

The gamers hydra has died last night!


Unfortunately not. I mean, the only thing I have going for me is knowing English but yeah…
Would totally move to the Freedom land :^)
But not really because your climate is terrible.

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because im shy

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you guys are all cute and ily all

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Actually if I could move I’d probably move to Norway or Iceland.
But if we are speaking in terms of education, Germany would probably be the best bet?

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my state is bigger than several countries in Europe

and we have fifty of them

surely one of them has a climate you could tolerate

I wonder if I could annoy one of my irl friends to join this site.