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champs practice game on mu

youll get scum in that game

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If i read this 3 months ago i would be worried that you were having a stroke



Vul never played on CD

This reminds me that I still need to read on a few MU guides, actually. Thank you.

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what is this place called again???


oh hi soulshade

whoa who are you

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Oh shit wait is this a subway?
I thought you were telling arete to take the Loss


I got 2/3 members of the scumteam correct in LyLo despite being a random not-even-a-spec who hadn’t read most of the thread but the way I did so was by pre-flipping a villager as scum and solving from associatives there so I’m not sure if it counts

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Help, I’m already bored.

can’t really remember

where did you do that

welcome please ask questions in #ask-a-guide


Close the forums and pay attention Jgoes, trust me, its for your own good.
:newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll:


I’ve played 3 games on MU
2 of them I was town LHF and got carried to a win by town alice during champs practice games last year

the third was a 4-person-per-hydra 16p on MU in which i was VT and my team was absurdly stacked personnel-wise, i didn’t accomplish much but my slot clutched the game by fooling the last goon into thinking they were the tracker and died at night as the actual tracker nailed the goon.

I wasn’t in spec chat so I didn’t say it anywhere that would be written down (and obviously for game integrity reasons I couldn’t tell you my reads at the time)

but I had Sett as lockwolf and I thought Kajot and Eph looked bad by association

I’ll reach my message limit soon :((((

the funny part is that i called the exact scumteam at one point in lylo
but then i was like “that isn’t the team tho”

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Okay but it’s currently the programming part and that’s like way too easy.
Also, I can multitask.