Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

these are my only offsite games ever im pretty sure

that game was such a trainwreck and i was the conductor

God I hated this when I was studying

oh and in my other mu game i got hard carried

In all seriousness I might be back for a bit honestly needed a break from mafia styled games :l


can i be the victim

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I love programming.


Do you have any sort of tactile hobby that can be done without very much cognitive attention

things in the general genre of knitting (which is just an example, to be clear)

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all the villagers i mislynched were victims

mislynch me vul-chan :weary:


don’t undersell yourself you carried our hydra for all of D1

highlight of the game was when a replacement entered the game and replaced into a lowposting v slot
i lynched them an hour later after cfding

Mislynch me D2 Vulgard

Uhhh… drawing and basketball.

So no…

this is probably the only game in history where alice and eevee were both scum AND both relatively helpless.

hows the 48 hour days don’t even know what state fol has gotten into other then that

can you try drawing during the lecture

it might or might not work but it’s worth a shot

I could but this is a more pleasant distraction.

draw a katze

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were we ever able to figure out what seperates BotC italy and FoL italy

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