Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Oh god i open another app for 2 minutes and i miss like 30 posts

Calm down kids

pretty safe bet

i just

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but drawing could plausibly paradoxically improve your focus on the lecture, depending on what specifically is making it difficult to concentrate

whereas this is only going to make it harder

BotC italy gets crushed by boulders
FoL italy doesn’t


FoL italy also gets crushed by boulders

Honestly I hope I wouldn’t be mislynchable if I joined, at least not early on.
But hell knows.

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and talked me out of like two mislynches

and were an obvious villager

Actually it’s working pretty well tbh. I haven’t started daydreaming about random stuff yet.

okay im too tired to try to understand this shit

why are we using big words


big word

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you would not expect that ‘do more things’ would make it easier to concentrate

however in this particular case it might

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botc italy is towngod who leads town, always gets the gamesolve and scores town the win by thunderdoming the demon and coming out on top
fol italy is…definitely not that

is that better

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BotC is mechanics-heavy and you’re good at mechanics

Yes ily

c o p a c e t i c

there was also that pukka game where i did really well and not a single person suspected me

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then it turned out i was lunatic