Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

the idea of a mad jailer who believes they have prisoners to execute when they really don’t is kinda compelling
they just walk into the cells and swing at empty air, trying to relieve the stress of existence, without realizing they are not hurting anyone
languishing in a long-abandoned prison without knowing their vigil has ended years ago and they are vegetating in a vacated space without passion or purpose
lacking the desire to do anything else or think differently
like a presence that never quite goes away


the Grimoire is a board with sides

therefore it’s a board game

Not always.

Wow ok

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listen here you little shit—

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

N.1 you got what I was saying, in my defense its 11 AM.
Hot take: all social games are stressful and should be avoided at all costs :^)

Bad logic
Board game = all players play using the board to me

Italy, stop asking, it’s trying not to hurt your feelings.

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this sounds like a bastard tol setup

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@discobot fortune

is italy great at forum mafia

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:crystal_ball: Don’t count on it

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i can handle the truth

i could turn it into a functional role
expect this kinda flavor in my mash

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i cannot handle the truth

This reminds me of the Fire Emblem Devil Axe

@discobot fortune

Do you want to build a snowman

:crystal_ball: Don’t count on it

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