Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I’ve become some numb to over used Fol/Tol jokes

something new has to be created it will create a new meta of memes that will bring purity into this little comminty

@discobot fortune

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:crystal_ball: Better not tell you now

@discobot fortune

are you as cute as you look :flushed:

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:crystal_ball: Better not tell you now

why has disco only returned with “uncertain” and “no” with me

because you’re inferior

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@discobot fortune

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@discobot fortune
Is D.B. Cooper Still Alive?

:crystal_ball: It is decidedly so

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@discobot fortune

Is kat a cutie

:crystal_ball: My sources say no

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fucking cold

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Holy shit get fucked


talk some sense into chloe shes dumb

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@discobot fortune

Is D.B. Cooper Still Alive?

:crystal_ball: Better not tell you now

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that’s rude I don’t like that so your banned from posting

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@discobot fortune

is kat a nerd

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:crystal_ball: As I see it, yes