Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

you had to be put down

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cause you’re here

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Oh okay understandable

I’ll go now

My cult leader is still watching and waiting
He shall have his revenge

yes you also didn’t understand that the manticore flips more accurately the higher its’ rumour value is, so claiming it was a bad idea

wait come back


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but yes the point was that the Manticore was a distraction, intended to add to the mystery of the game and add Rumours through how weird and public it is

Wow, text fields!
Very amaze.

Kat if you could meet anyone in the world

Who would it be

Arete is an idiot (2020, colorized)

you :flushed:

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it wasn’t needed anyways


CL is coming
Be very afraid

:flushed: what if we…

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by the way the “Everyone but Arete” chat still makes me laugh


i wish i played in the game just for that

cause that is indeed hilarious

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i mean
but you weren’t meant to use both shots of Blood Command d1

i mean
i couldn’t stop you
but i did expect you to read your rolecard


There was also “Everyone but Possessed and Arete”
I destroyed both of them