Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

he won’t even figure out it was us
datbird erased all traces

what was everyone’s win flavor

My CL can reverse time

that wasn’t edited out of the OP because “you cannot post” isn’t edited out of most Eod Posts

we had flavor for both of us who survived
what was everyone’s win flavor

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I won @Icibalus
So gimme

mist also won and didn’t have any flavor

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okay yeah but please laugh

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i made it up on the spot

Now is the hardware part.


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Do you think i gimmicked my class by appearing to destoy double the chats that I actually destroyed?

we need sfol 66: plague ii


if anyone’s making a plague fm it’s me

every sfol after 60 will be randomizer

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I mean I gimmicked your class by making new chats with the same people

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you gimmicked your faction by dueling the priest D1


you weren’t supposed to hear my secret plans just pretend you didn’t hear anything i was never hear shush shut hush no you didn’t hear a thing no no no you did not what did you hear? nothing. italy is definitely not making a plague FM

Those chats only appeared to be destroyed in the first place due to my gimmicking (they weren’t actually; i only could truly destroy chats I was a part of)

So lol