Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

but lamist

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imagine correctly identifying two wolves in LyLo and talking yourself out of it because of VCA


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“Why are you spectator?”
“Why are you host?”
“Why are you why?”
“Why are you?”

but why would 3 wolves vote together on the town CW to town


you’re better at scum as town than you are at scum as scum

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Why are you Aroot?

why don’t you tell me your credit card number

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town wouldn’t resist the pull to claim since claims = locktown
scum would not claim since obvious reasons

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Claim creditcard number so infinite lie detector claimvig can remove you from the PoE.

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Which of these is marshal

  • :cowboy_hat_face:
  • :nerd_face:
  • they’re both the same emoji

0 voters

:nerd_face: is me


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: is me
except i raise the other eyebrow





who is better: kawhi or james

I’m tempted to conduct a social experiment here but some people may already know it.

Tell me

is it a redcheck

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