Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

neutral stance

There’s a middle ground



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Marshal I don’t think that’s how it works

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oh no
self control is on shuffle

prepare for loud sobbing

Neuts out.

on the bright side chloe if you didn’t figure that out it means you are incapable of being a nerd

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it is now

I bet you like cake

yea if you aren’t doing it with friends it kinda sucks ngl

Milk is in no way healthy

who the fuck doesn’t

sounds like you haven’t been invited to enough children’s birthday parties recently

Depends on the cake, but I don’t like most.
Cakes are too sweet and some of them are disgusting.

Also fondant deserves to burn in hell.

I like cake but dislike most icing

This is a pg-13 forum

Ah yes because I attend many children’s birthday parties :unamused:

how do you feel about honey cake

I like cake
Like a normal person :sunglasses:


that was the joke :unamused: