Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Aroot he’s 15

and she’s 17. fully legal :eyes:

For some reason I keep forgetting that I’m actually older than a good part of these forums.


we’re boomers compared to these children

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And we are both acting like resident clowns while people like Chloe and Arete are being mature.

chloes acting mature?

press X to doubt

y’all are all boomers smh :triumph:

I’m going to be a boomer this year

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arete you have one of the biggest emotional maturities on this forum tbh

2nd only to like uni

Well, not after that mafoa unoverse thing :^)


We both know its true though, Arete. :newspaper_roll:

seeing as you are one of the only players who does not AtE

i’d say so

kat doesn’t really AtE

but calling kat mature in any way is a flat out lie


technically I used ATE in RM4

also like

just because I don’t ATE doesn’t mean I’m doing a Mature And Responsible Job Of Handling My Emotions

i was about to ask, i don’t think i AtE

i mean

if i have to be mature i can be :^)

/vote Amelia
Smh bad players you don’t deserve to win smh smh ayaya


Don’t make me smack you again.
Emotions are fine. Being unable to handle them all at once is fine.

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ATE is just bad in the first place and generally we could talk about the mind games for 1000 years about using ATE on purpose knowing it’s suspicous enough that scum wouldn’t really use it, But e… infinite loop of logical thinking.