Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

my late grandfather was really into collecting Alaskan art

when he died we discovered that in fact, there are not that many people who want random Alaskan art

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i feel like it

I need more games to spectate but there’s only like 1 even in sign-ups right now.

shoulda told SF5 to last longer

Spectating addiction is no joke.

“$27 is permanent, $21 is temp”

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Time to convince my parents to spend 25 euros.

i like this one


you can’t make me


Cat FM when

the last one is slightly censored because it has a picture of my sister in it



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i was gonna host an alt account cat FoL and then i was told alts are bad

im still sad

lmao the cats pulling your sisters hair what a good cat

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Damn I was right, she’s really fluffy. Cute.
Thank you.

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This has got to be one of the best pictures, ever.

she didn’t get her name for no reason

Manual like.
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Wait, what’s her name?