Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Normal. Even then, fucking [EXPUNGED] was pretty hard.



yeah nobody understands troll romance
i undestand your pain

it took me about five months to understand auspisticeship

Does the author (artist? Whatever) even understand

i think kind of the point is that it makes a kind of sense but we can’t relate because we aren’t trolls
because honestly kismissitude makes about as much sense to me as normal romance does?

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italy made it to stage 5 playing the hardest touhou game
too bad the stage 5 boss seeks my eternal suffering

Sounds about right to me, Italy.

I still don’t get how it work
It’s like kismissitude but there’s a mediator who interferes with the relationship but not really because they facilitate it

I think it’s meant to be a mediated relationship if the hatred is actually dangerous to both parties, and the third member feels romantic feelings towards the relationship and tries to mediate it to make it survive.

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Kismissitude is pretty easy as a concept to get, minus the hate each other equally thing
For obvious reasons

So austipice feels feelings toward a relationship

Yes, and they attempt to stop the participants from literally murdering each other. Considering how belligerent trolls are, it makes sense that they’d evolve this.

Was about to say that it makes sense in verse

see the red quadrants are easy to understand and the black ones aren’t, basically

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Ooh you’re right. And thanks BTW! I’ll check it out after dinner. Remind me if I forget

Also Dylan could you please check if my donation went through?
I donated it > immediately unsubscribed from monthly charges > was actually charged the money, but the page shows that we are still sitting at 92$.
If its not an issue.

patreon really needs a one time donate option


vulgard no

no im scared

The absolute madlad