Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

It killed 0 town technically



yes but it did force a villager to claim, which is questionable in Rokugan




This means Vulgard helped the lying darkness win :eyes:

You’d be my hero if you joined the Neut Turbo.

does this mean that what i did in evofm wasn’t bad

/Detonate Solic

Something about going out with a bang.

The falcon punch was sad more than funny

Marshal deserved what he got tho

i saw “duelist” and it wasn’t about if marshal was scum or not anymore
it had to be done

Italy has KP every game and never uses it well😉

With that said it’s bedtime for me


i used my KP amazingly in short fuse

i forced a villager to claim a town pr then replaced out
power move


duels town to the death
fakes hero shot on scum and townreads them for it
proceeds to actually dayvig town
suicides instantly

Ngl I barely read that game

But you won D1 so it was more on town sucking probably :^)

we mass detonated for instant parity

bruh i should’ve just detonated you because i really can’t read you

in hindsight i probably would have