Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

vul i’m just saying

i tried

since alice was dead, you were the only sane person

only sane town at least

Appel was sane too but she was scum.

italy, appel and vulgard were the only sane people
and it should definitely be a problem when italy is one of the only sane people

I’m still disappointed about Alice’s detonation and I wasn’t even participating.
It was such a… really not thought out thing.

it should be a problem when town is insanely detonating villagers left and right while the wolves are the ones who don’t want to yolokill townies

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i wasn’t even siding with town i was siding with people who thought with their brains and not their desires for wanton destruction

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i think i was the person pushing for town NOT to detonate the most

i know
which is why i didn’t kill you

Which is precisely why I townleaned you

And then I did the same with Appel and you were both scum :^)

we were actually mapping out a way to instant win in final 9 instead of 8
but the plan required braixen or you be gone

if both of you were there for quickhammer the entire plan would be ruined

good morning

Good morning, Ami.

don’t you just love waking up and seeing some top tier bullshit?

it’s just simply the best

you didn’t really have to do anything to win

half the town were like “haha i gamesolved” and then blew up villagers

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