Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Crude? You mean beautiful

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Why have you still not given me info for the rp

That was the thing that was on the ground with the fire, right?

god tier nickname

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I’ve also already called him X of the Blades.

because i am tired and i have had no motivation

how are you feeling today?
do you have any problems you feel you could fix easily but lack the motivation to do so?

sellsword >>>

im feeling fine ig

i have a few issues i can fix with in 2 seconds but cbad

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I am complete

I threw some spheres at a circle.

It was fun.

My feet hurt because the grass was wet but I was too lazy to put on shoes.

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im going to go kick a sphere at a bouncy rectangle

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Oh my god, this is Adorable!
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nobody tell him about air bud

Isn’t that the movie where dogs play football?

the first one is where he plays basketball

the sequel is football

the basketball one was my favorite movie like 7 years ago

no idea if its actually good but 8 year old me liked it

its not


ok then