Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i’ll click all the ads to make xblade the money he needs lol
I do not want to lose this place
im pretty sure at least several others feel the same way


how much money is clicking an ad tho

i forgot

Google Adsense is a Supported Ad Platform.

According to their site, and an FAQ on another site:

“In practice, the commission per click can range from $0.20 to $15. The majority of niches bring less than $3 per click to publishers.”

Assuming its… $0.25 per click, that is a total of 424 clicks per month to reach the goal of $106.

If ~20 people frequent this thread, we can meet that threshold if everyone clicks 22 (21.2 to be exact) ads in a month.

If we assume every ad gives the lowest commission possible ($0.20) that would be 26 clicks per month if we have 20 frequent visitors

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all i hear is


Does it have anything to say about the issue of people clicking multiple times

I assume that you can’t just have one person click something 1,000 times because otherwise the eeveebot idea would actually work

Its very likely that there’s a point where the system detects a bot - like if you click 10 ads in the span of 2 seconds, or you click 1000 ads. I’ll check

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Invalid traffic is defined as:

“Clicks or impressions generated by publishers clicking their own live ads

Repeated ad clicks or impressions generated by one or more users

Publishers encouraging clicks on their ads (examples may include: any language encouraging users to click on ads, ad implementations that may cause a high volume of accidental clicks, etc.)

Automated clicking tools or traffic sources, robots, or other deceptive software.”

Also stated:

Google AdSense announced they will stop showing ads before invalid clicks happen.

So eevee_bot will disable ads

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these are deadass the worst in mobile games




While traffic exchange services may help bring traffic to your site, we don’t recommend using them, as they may lead to invalid clicks or impressions and result in your account being disabled.

Traffic Exchange Services are defined as:

Click-rings (or traffic exchanges) are services that use real people clicking on ads. Some of the click-rings consist of publishers clicking on each other’s ads. Some click-rings use real people.

I don’t know how many clicks-per-person it is until its established that a site has a Click-ring


Moral of the story:

I’m down to click 20something ads per month if it keeps cookie alive


ads that have intractability and then just stop so you click on them

an ad a day keeps the cookie at stay


an ad a day keeps the cookie monster at bay

next time i have a research paper assignment and i can choose the topic

imma write about google adsense


also i currently have nothing on my whitelist
so lmk if the forum adds ads on off topic cookie thread lmik so i can whitelist



that’s what we are doing right

it’s not the publisher encouraging it
it’s us
the users


arguably that would even be worse