Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Really LMAO

Nothing stops you from being strategic about this deathmatch though.

I thought Bob was another guy who was banned for having too many alts

strategy doesn’t win you the fight if you’re still outmatched 100x :^)

im so confused

This is what orange told me at least

chloe u wanna fight

kat that might actually be a competition

lets go then

explain yourself @orangeandblack5

do i get my gloves

always wear protection

I’ll revive you afterwards dw
you can trust me, believe me

How about you get your Judge color back first.


honestly in fm
who keeps giving italy a gun
it never ends well

green is the new judge color

You also got a gun in RMIV
You just used it to Seppuku


can’t nightkill me if i kill me first

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i miss my judge color - i dont like being on the same level as marshal :unamused:


As we have seen from the previous games, Italy should never be trusted with a gun.
But should be shot if you have a gun pointed at Italy.