Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I’m pretty sure that’s accurate

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explain yourself @Geyde

p sure they joined their own game on an alt or some such


i like how some random guy just comes out of the walls of adiart and starts declaring that knights aren’t real

and everyone believes him

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Just Adiart things

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to be fair he tried this in SFoL 58
he just failed laughably

Wait, which setup is your next again? I think you posted a list somewhere but I don’t recall where precisely.

Why do you think literally the entire kingdom imploded on itself last time

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There also were no possible knights

There is always the possibility for a knight in mine :sunglasses:

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Amelia I’m going to smack you.
You know how much I hate this mechanic.

Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral
Fire Emblem 4 and 5 FM
Flavour talk banned during the game since all flavour is AI
the first in my series of four dual gen Fire Emblem games
Dual Gen means if you are still alive midway through the game, your character will change to a canonically descendant character to the original character
your abilities will be similar but change slightly

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tbh i think call to arms is cool

Okay you can definitely count on me spectating that. Sounds glorious.

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eternal crusade

Its not even about CtA specifically, its the absurdity of HoB’s innate abilities.

So what happens when you pit the factions against each other

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That’s what SFoL 66 aims to find out

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They’re only like that because BD is guaranteed to have a converter alive as long as the faction exists basically

that is an extremely powerful property which warrants weaker inate abilities than HoB

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the more worrying part is that this was meant to be an april fools setup

The april fools setup was actually SFoL 65, not 66