Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i sure as hell am not gonna be able to take anyone else

tbh i think i can beat like

most of you nerds in a fight

Try me, nerd.

jgoes is probably the person who is suprisingly ripped but nobody knows it

inb4 jane is the secret boss on the forums

don’t mindmeld with me get away from me

Perhaps. :upside_down_face:

Ngl it would be pretty even between us two i feel like

Just hold me at arms length and im fucked

all you have going for you is matchup knowledge

Kat i kickbox you nerd

not lately tho cuz yay corona

you of all people should know that this should never be underestimated



it’s an even matchup at worst

i also know her weaknesses



you have more hair than me. I’m at an advantage here

show her cat pics and she will be so distracted that there’s an open window for attack


ya know i feel like this would be telling of kat’s gender

but my dad’s hair is longer than my moms so idk

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not my fault you have short hair

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i have hella short hair. good luck

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my hair is getting too long tbh