Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Omw with the scissors

to be fair kat also has long hair


don’t run with them

im in desperate need of a haircut but i don’t care enough to cut it myself

i don’t like haircuts

but i also need one i can barely see rn


This reeks of TMI.

they looked at my classcard

B-But… y-you’re the host…

is this when i newspaper you, say that chloe is hosting the cookie thread, or say that there is no known host to life :eyes:

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if your bangs are long enough you can plausibly just pull them into the rest of your hair

you could maybe try putting your hair in a ponytail to keep it at least slightly out of the way

but yes, long hair is impractical sometimes, there’s a reason I keep mine short

…several reasons. but that’s one of them.

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i do this sometimes but ive never been a fan of ponytails

and there’s still way too much fucking hair cause my hair is unreasonably thick and its not really fair

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why exactly are we talking about hair and bottom people again

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katze where do I rank

chloe is a bottom when it comes to intimidation factor and i have long hair

i don’t really know you that well tbh so you’re probably low-mid


where is pg13 gone

this is pg13 i am merely ranking how intimidating people are

fair enough
but you know what happens if you don’t top rank me

I wouldn’t win the fight
My lawyers would

i know your weaknesses too :eyes:

Your wording makes it sound like this has happened before.