Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I physically cannot open this on mobile


That was the point, you have to qoute it :wink:
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Quote on mobile esta stupido

quote it
that’s what i did

Oh nvm I can… if I’m not dumb

oh yeah you have to quote it

its unopenable on PC too

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Mobile aaaaa

Unless i post it

I get no preview

copy paste the image link in a new tab

also does anyone know why the forums randomly stop automatically receiving new posts until i refresh

it keeps happening aa

you will have to quote to see this


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Maybe we need more patreon money

I’ve also noticed it often takes longer than usual.

i gotta refresh every minute or two rn and aaaa


same shit happens to me

I’d do a chloe face reveal but

Its worse than lightmode

dont do it the forums have too much to live for

jk ur a cutie

Btw, that is my FB pfp but I don’t think you can find my FB with that.


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what formatting is used for this