Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

also I thought that it would be worth baiting out wolf limited-use KP before they can use it efficiently

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if I actually had WiM that game and didn’t just argue with Solic about vig guilt we might have won that game

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I might or might not have told this one before, but:

when I was a small-ish Arete, and obsessed with the Harry Potter books, I would occasionally go up to people and offer to show them a Harry Potter spell

if they accepted, I would wave my “wand” (KAT IF YOU TURN THIS INTO AN INNUENDO I WILL NEWSPAPER YOU) and shout “expelliarmus! there, your wand’s gone, it worked!”

I found this very funny

that’s not actually a good story but I’m tired and the first couple that came to mind were vaguely sad and also not good stories


i feel like im being targeted and im not sure why

also you’re a nerd and the storys kinda cute

but i have no real interest in harry potter so its not exactly something i fully understand


Yes, smol Aret stori!

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Are you being boxed in?

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okay so here was one of the weirdest things about my school
it was really tiny but they seemed to have this really weird thing about making sure that no 8 year olds come into contact with 9 year olds

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so like
there’s this small school, and like, there’s the Reception (read: Kindergarten) and Year 1 and Year 2, and the entrances onto the playground for them are all well and good, even if some of them happen to come out of the toilet

/execute Vulgard Lets go

Something not goodᵀᴹ happened at my school once.

Were you actually given a reason for this, ever?

but then there’s this fucking BIGASS FENCE and a threatening set of double doors that, no joke, were guarded by two students at all times, seperating one half of the playground from the other

Just so you know, I’ll RoT this when you flip wolf.

And also probably if you flip cat.
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what was even weirder is that the side which all the younger students were on was objectively more dangerous than the other side

like the field for the younger students was basically a giant slope that curved down into a fucking thunderdome, and the incline was far from slight

your reward for becoming a Year 3 member is to lose access to that and instead gain the larger massive field (which, if you remember my smol Ici stories, is where the bigass snowball was for half a year) which had the distinguishing feature of… a tree!


arete is a good feature though

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also, the playground was only accesible by lower schools, pretty much
and there was no incident that caused this, by the way!
it kind of just happened one year that segregation was imposed on our school
