Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

(not really)

oh yeah also 8 to 6 on saturdays

in Kindergarten my art teacher would put people on time out if they swung their legs under the table, ever

if you proceeded to do anything even vaguely distracting, like ‘touching objects in the classroom,’ while you were on time-out, she’d make you be in time-out for longer

I suspect that I spent more time in that class in time-out than out of it

I don’t know why I’m telling this story, it’s not really relevant to anything and it’s not particularly happy


which in theory should have been solvable by just not swinging my legs but I was trying not to, I just wasn’t succeeding


Blue Dragon Special
Champs Rep (Passive) - You are modrevealed as Arete at the start of day 1, but without an alignment reveal. Since you are a champs rep, a judge, a FoL balancer, and more, everybody knows who you are.
Godread (Passive) - You know the initial alignment of the Vulgard class. However, you do not know who has the class. Revealing this information to anyone puts an SPK counter on you, making all kills that target you bypass immunities and healing.
Backreading (Day) - ISO a dead player and post the ISO within the thread. You will learn how many of that player’s reads were correct, as long as your ISO contains all of the reads they made. Revealing any information gained from Backreading to anyone puts an SPK counter on you, making all kills that target you bypass immunities and healing.
Check the Nullread (Night) - Learn a player’s alignment.
Verify PoE (Night) - You may only use this ability during night 3 or later, if no Unseen members have been lynched yet. Quote a PoE written in the thread by another player or by yourself. If any of the players in that PoE are members of the Unseen, you will be notified. The PoE must contain at least three players. Revealing any information gained from Verify PoE to anyone puts an SPK counter on you, making all kills that target you bypass immunities and healing. (1 use)
If there are two or more SPK counters on you at any point of the game, a random member of the Unseen gains the ability to dayvig you and nothing will be able to stop this.
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.


Unseen Special
Champs Rep (Passive) - You are modrevealed as Arete at the start of day 1, but without an alignment reveal. Since you are a champs rep, a judge, a FoL balancer, and more, everybody knows who you are.
Godread (Passive) - You know the initial alignment of the Vulgard class. However, you do not know who has the class. Since you have TMI anyway, this is useless.
Backreading (Day) - ISO a dead player and post the ISO within the thread. Since you are a wolf, this is entirely fabricated, which means nothing will happen. Gotta look like you are trying to solve the game.
Powerwolfing (Day) - Mark a player as your designated mislynch of the day. If they are lynched today, you will gain an additional use of Dastardly Deepwolf.
PR Hunt (Night) - Learn a player’s rolecard.
Dastardly Deepwolf (Night) - Quote a post where a player townread you in the thread. You will attack that player. If the player’s townread on you was the result of an ISO they wrote, the attack will bypass immunities and healing. (1 use)
Defeat all threats to the Unseen.


i probably have some stories i can think of
i’ll tell them later


1 Like

thank you!!! bounces



these are surprisingly fun to design

Make an Anstreim one.

katze card katze card


I would advise against it.

Suddenly, Anstreim appears.

me pls

Community mash! Community mash!

N.1 class card would be interesting.

i have an idea for an N.1 card but vulgards’ would probably be better

it was all fun and games until the cave spider started jumping

and also that part where the fucking grim reaper spawned on top of me