Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

So throughout English (bearing in mind that the previous week, just to fuck with people, I had supported a campaign to make the teacher teach lessons in a random order every day, because who needs schedules) that week, we had been learning handwriting, and blah blah blah

Look, that’s not the important part of this story.

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maybe people shall forget

Is this where we silently start bookmarking your posts.


on one hand this means no katze card

on the other it means when/if you host a community mash it’ll probably be cooler :eyes:

For about the next week, the teacher literally forced us to write eveyrthing in pen, despite the fact that I had been writing things in pen for years. It was hell.

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you would probably be a wim vigilante fueled by the power of memes and hyperposting
you could either yeet a hyperposter or a lowposter every night and depending on your choice something would happen with your day ability/abilities if successful

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ngl every meme posted by you in thread would somehow empower your class


This was the general pattern with me in primary school, like that one time where despite being able to do complex multiplications in my head they forced me to use the grid method of multiplication for an entire year, and I now cannot do complex multiplications in my head any more because when I, without a calculator, just came up with the answer, I was punished for not doing my work properly.

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oh great, a class that incentivizes torpedoing the village

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pretend i liked both of those posts

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:eyes: :eyes: :eyes:


why are you looking at me like that, my sexuality was never really a secret here


“hello here’s a new thing!”
smol Ici perks up!
“we’re going to do an entire fucking lesson on literally just spelling out the names of numbers in year fucking 5”
smol Ici perks down

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is vulgard making new classcards or copy pasting from the grand idea thread

see the Year 5 teacher was relatively nice but my god was the Year 5 curriculum the stupidest shit possible


that’s the idea
do you play selfish or selfless

these are all new